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Space-Cast! #38. Leviathan Wakes

Wee Aquinas appreciates flashing danger zones. So he can stand in them and absorb the leviathan's blow. For Jesus.

What’s that on the horizon? It’s a leviathan! This month on the Space-Biff! Space-Cast!, we’re joined by Justin Kemppainen to discuss Leviathan Wilds, the inaugural title of his new studio, Moon Crab Games. Along the way, we also spill tea about the ups and downs of working at a major studio after its acquisition by megacorporation Asmodee, the apprehensions of founding an independent imprint, and the inspirations behind a game about stabbing giants in their flashing weak points.

Listen here or download here. Timestamps can be found after the jump.

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Shadow of the Proboscis

Not shown: leviathan, wilds.

Justin Kemppainen’s Leviathan Wilds wears its influences on its sleeve. One influence in particular: Shadow of the Colossus, the 2005 PlayStation 2 title that influenced a generation of up-and-coming designers. Like that game, Leviathan Wilds is about scaling behemothic creatures in order to punch them in their color-coded weak spots.

But Leviathan Wilds is a kinder giant-puncher. Gone are the melancholic grays, swapped out for a fuller palette and a conservationist ethic. These leviathans have been corrupted by nasty crystals, you see. Cured of the brobdingnagian gout, they will return to their gentle ways. Time to climb.

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